HR Biotech France’s webinar that we are leading – “Prepare for the future and accompany your teams to recovery”

Entrepreneurs & managers of healthtech companies- coaches share their current experience in supporting companies as well as their best practices during this webinar organised by the HR Commission of France Biotech, in partnership with the firms GenSearch-Connect International & HTI Bioquest.

Meeting on Wednesday 6 May at 1 p.m.

Objectives: bring you elements of reflections on how to best prepare for the recovery and the future, learn to navigate the unknown … to succeed!

In the program:

I. Learn to navigate the unknown … to succeed”:

Sharing of key questions to ask in this “Almost” release from confinement
3 areas of intervention to co-build your future:
1. Leader
2. Team (s)
3. Organization
An approach, tools to learn to navigate the unknown

II.Q & A

