This 29th January, we celebrate the 12th anniversary of GenSearch. Why celebrate the 12th, you might say?
Because we actually wanted to celebrate our 10th year by bringing together ‘the friends of the firm’ as we have been warmly calling them for a long time – customers, candidates, partners, team alumni, friends, and associates who have trusted us, supported, accompanied, oriented and helped since the creation in 2010, but 2020 was not a great year for festivities in the real world!
So why not celebrate the 10 + 2 years if the situation allows it?!
This year, this anniversary has a particular significance as far as I am concerned, beyond the emotion that there is always to see evolve a project that we have launched and to be surprised by the journey from the idea to reality.
In fact, by sheer coincidence, GenSearch’s legal registration date, January 29, happens to be my father’s birthday.
This expression sometimes comes up in the corporate world, “There is nothing personal”
On the other hand, I think that there is always something personal in what we put into our professional investment, and that is probably what makes it strong.
This synchronicity of the date has always made me smile, as a nod from one generation to the next, in the transmission it represents.
This year I approach this date in a different way because following a very important stroke, the state of my father’s health has deteriorated, and the last 5 months have been complicated, between hope and despair.
We were able to share beautiful things throughout these months, to say words that we had not dared to say to each other until then.
So for this year, I would like to take the opportunity to share with you and with him this anniversary, to accompany him with my thoughts and to pay tribute to him for all that he has transmitted to me and that led me, in his image, to build and consolidate, strong of the base of values but especially of very strong love.
Thanks, Dad.
There is always something personal.